Your save the dates should be sent out at least six months in advance and up to one year in advance if you are planning a destination wedding. Sending out save the dates also ensures you only have to send your invitations out 6-8 weeks before your wedding.
The information that’s typically included on the save the dates are the couple’s names, the wedding date, the city (and country if it's a destination wedding) that the wedding is being held in and the couple’s wedding website, if applicable.
Glass Slipper Designs is happy to create save the dates that will coordinate with your wedding invitations, which will help create a cohesive, consistent wedding stationery suite. For more information, contact us today to set up a free consultation.Some of the save the dates Glass Slipper Designs has created:
Front of save the date postcard
These are so beautiful. I especially love the palm tree. I wish I would have had a destination wedding....